Students/Parents/Community: Week 2 • Food Pick up for Week 2 will be Tuesday, April 7 from 10am-1pm • Work Pick-Up will be the same day with designated times depending on Grade on Tuesday and Thursday. • Buses will run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday leaving school at 9am and 1pm for school work pick-up drop off and special circumstance meal drop-off.
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent
Week 2
Attention MS/HS Families -Just wanted to give a quick update on your children's educational plan moving forward. Thank you to everyone for coming in and picking up work and food. We got every single student their work. Thank you for putting your child's education at the top of your priorities. -Right now your child(ren) should be working on the homework that was handed out on Tuesday. Do your best to turn that in by next Tuesday. Containers are in front of the HS entrance in the roundabout. -If you need work picked up, the busses will be running Tu, Wed, Th at 9am and 1pm. Call Jackie in the office to make arrangements 745-3811x263. -Next week we go live with online learning. Your child should be logging into their school email, and getting onto their google classroom's set up by their teachers. -Teachers will be taking attendance in their 2nd period class or Advisory in MS. This means your child will have to check in with that teacher someway, daily. That could be in google classroom, in a google chat/hangout, via email, or submission of an assignment online. -If you are unable to get online to interact, and will be needing paperwork, you can email your child's teacher and let them know, or call Jackie at extension 263. -We're all learning how to do this as we go. Don't stress out about this too much. Our staff is flexible and wants to work with everyone in ways they feel most comfortable. We'll get through this together. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me at or call me at 745-3811 x301. Please like, share and tag other parents you may know that need to see this. Thanks and have a great weekend.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Hendrickson
Hello! My name is Grant Legare and I am the school counselor at St. Ignatius Elementary School. I know we are all going through uncertain times but we are still committed to meeting all of your child's educational and social/emotional needs. The anxiety and stress we are feeling as adults is also being felt by children. However, many kids do not understand, or cannot express what is causing them to feel this way! I will be available for phone calls during regular school hours, from 8:00 a.m. until 3:40 p.m.. You can call me at 406-551-6485. However, you can email me at any time at I will be checking my emails throughout the school day. Please, if you or your child need any assistance do not hesitate to reach out!
over 4 years ago, Connie Marchant
Students/Parents/Community: Week 2 · Food Pick up for Week 2 will be Tuesday, April 7 from 10am-1pm · Work Pick-Up will be the same day with designated times depending on Grade on Thursday 10am-1pm Education Plan for Week 2 and the Rest of the Closure: Our long-term plans will be centered on semester standards and educational expectations. This plan will be to continue what has already been established as a best practice for School District #28. Every teacher, for every class will develop a semester test, evaluation, project or documentation that will include the essential understandings for every class and every grade. These expectations or a standard-based rubric that includes the essential understandings will be sent to every student for every class so that every student knows exactly what is expected of them to learn by the end of the year or the end or school closure. This evaluation of essential understandings will be broken down by weeks or months so students know how to pace their learning and expectations. Teachers will give students study guides, online enrichment, resources available on-line such as Discovery Education, Gooru, UTube, Khan Academy or any of the thousands of other resources available to students to learn the essential understandings and expectations. Students will know what they are expected to learn and teachers can give progress monitors and/or check-ins rather than send numerous hand-outs home. The idea will be to establish a process with the end in mind. What are our expected outcomes? When the closure is over or the end of the year, students will be brought back and we will assess what was accomplished with the self-paced learning and essential understanding. We will assess effort and essential understanding of standard achievement and proficiency. This is how we will grade the 4th quarter and the semester. We will take into account the lack of support and limited title I availability and grade accordingly. The teachers will be expected to be available during certain times during the day for phone calls and support for students' understanding of material teachers feel is essential for class completion. Teachers will be available from home, school, online meetings, learn@home on webpage or email. If teachers choose to be at home, we will need home phone numbers and/or cell phone numbers so students can get a hold of teachers during our established contact times. Teachers will be expected to respond in order to support students with evaluation expectations. The 4th quarter grade and semester grade will be based on what was accomplished in terms of essential understanding of the standards. Elective classes may require a documentation log, project completion or evaluation understanding of essential expectations. We start with the end in mind, this is what a student needs to learn, give them the resources to learn it and when they return we will evaluate what was learned or accomplished for our essential understanding expectations. This evaluation is how we will grade and in the elementary assess the standard understanding level with assessments upon return. This measurable outcome will give us the proficiency requirement for all classes. This will also cut down dramatically on the amount of needed worksheets and back and forth work delivery. We will break this down to effectively measure the potential of every student. Students that do not put in the effort and accomplish expectations at a level deemed fair, the teacher can fail or pass with an appropriate and equitable grade designation. At the elementary, standards rating of where they are at and what they accomplished will be determined by each teacher for each student. Work, Study Guides, Online Enrichment, Plans, and Expectations will continue until the end of the closure. If we do not return to school we will send home an end of the year assessment for students to take or at that time decide whether or not it is safe to rotate them through for our final assessments. I believe this will be the best way to handle this situation and cut down on the numerous amounts of work back and forth. Give our students the expectations of what is essential and support them the best way we possibly can and hope we can use this time constructively to make gains. We will assess the students’ effort one way or another at the end of closure or school year. Principals will be giving directives in terms of availability times and school specific expectations. If you have questions, please contact your building principal so we can clarify any confusion. Counselors will be available during school hours for any mental health, educational support and crisis management. Check in regularly with our at-risk students that will need support during these times. We will lead by example and I believe we have the best plan to reach students and continue educational expectations. We will get our on-line and remote learning devices to as many students as possible. Matt Lyon and Jesse Nesper are working hard to get all of you the right tools to best support students remotely. We will see this through successfully. I am, as always, happy to be working for a great community. It is our time to shine, so give it your best.
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent
What a wonderful day!! We distributed or delivered 4,700 meals and 470 student school work packets. We checked out 320 chrome books and had all but 11 students pick up school work and meals. Remember meals only need to be picked up once a week. School work can be returned to the totes outside each school and/or can be returned via the bus by being at the bus stop. When the bus stops; drop the work into the plastic tote that will be available on every bus. The buses will run Wednesday and Thursday this week and depart from the school at 9am and 1:00pm. We want to thank students, parents, kitchen staff, maintenance, classified staff, bus drivers, Smyth Transportation, certified staff, and principals for all your hard work today. To be able to accomplish what we got done today took a giving spirit and a lot of hard work. It was great to see all the kids and parents today!! We want to thank everyone for their patience and willingness to help when needed. It was a great day and highly successful, so thank you all. We also want to thank Karen Biron from Exit Realty and Home for Heroes for the staff breakfast yesterday. We want to thank Jim Krell and K-O Auto for the water donation that will be going home with kids during our weekly meal distribution. GO BULLDOGS!!
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent
Great Day
Parents and Students: Tomorrow is our first school work and food pick-up from 10:00-1:00. Remember if you want food or schoolwork delivered, please contact your building administrative assistants. The buses will be departing at 9am and 1pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you want work dropped off or picked up please have students or parents at their perspective bus stop prepared to deposit work into the work bin or pick up the work packet. Thank you so much for all your help during these times that everyone is trying their best to help each other be safe and successful. Tomorrow will be a great time to watch for expected bus route times. Go Bulldogs
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent
Elementary: Pick up for food - south side of the elementary. Pick up for packets - south side of the elementary. Pick up for Chromebooks (if needed) - west side of the elementary. ------------------- MS: Pick up for food - south side of the elementary. Pick up for packets - behind the Middle School on the corner. Pick up for Chromebooks (if needed) - behind the Middle School on the corner.--------------- HS: Pick up for food - south side of elementary. Pick up packets - HS parking lot. Pick up Chromebooks (if needed) - HS parking lot.
over 4 years ago, Tyler Arlint
For more detailed information about school scheduling and organization see our Facebook page: Saint Ignatius Public Schools
over 4 years ago, Tyler Arlint
These are the times slots for all pickups. They are broken down into the first initial of the last name. 10:00-11:00 A-i, 11:00-12:00 J-Q, 12:00-1:00 R-Z
over 4 years ago, Tyler Arlint
Tuesday, March 31 - Guardian/Parent pick up at school for packets, food for students, and chromebooks (if chromebook is needed. Also, chromebooks are only released with a signed contractual agreement that they will not be damaged and returned in the same condition upon request.)
over 4 years ago, Tyler Arlint
Driver's Education is being postponed until at least April 13. We will reassess the situation at that time. We hope to get the class in this Spring or Summer. If we have to postpone for any longer than that we will reimburse everyone and look at offering again next Spring.
over 4 years ago, RaSena Christopher
Drivers Ed
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent
Gym 1
Cte 3
Progress Pictures
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent
Cte 1
Gym 1
MODEL PLAN OF ACTION—Board Proposal St. Ignatius District #28 Public School DATE OF INITIAL PLAN: Instituted March 30 after Spring Break, Board Approved March 26, 2020** REVISION DATES: March 24, March 25 Plans should be submitted to OVERVIEW On Sunday, March 24, 2020, Governor Bullock ordered all K-12 public schools in Montana closed starting Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 10, 2020. Pursuant to the March 19, 2020, directive of Governor Bullock, requirements for pupil instruction from Monday, March 16 through April 10, 2020, were waived with Montana’s public schools receiving full funding, including the state transportation reimbursement. The Governor further directed that during the mandated school closure from March 16-April 10, 2020, school districts were to plan and begin implementation on the following: 1. Offsite learning instruction and structure; 2. School meals, consistent with what the District regularly provides; 3. Services for students with disability; and 4. Other services customarily provided to students. Through his April 10, 2020, directive, the Governor stated that districts will receive full funding and all requirements for pupil instruction will be waived if the following conditions are met: 1. The District creates a Plan of Action to address those specific areas identified above; 2. The Board of Trustees approves the District’s Plan of Action; 3. The Governor, in consultation with OPI, approves the Board of Trustees’ endorsed Plan of Action and waives all requirements for pupil instruction. The Governor’s April 10, 2020, directive provides that: “Presumptively, the Governor will approve waiver requests that are approved by school boards.” 4. The District will submit periodic reports to the Governor addressing those specific areas identified above. PLAN OF ACTION The following represents the District’s REQUIRED Plan of Action to address pupil instruction, the provision of school meals for students, compliance with IEP’s and 504 plans of students with disabilities, and other services the District customarily provides to students: 1. Offsite learning instruction and structure: The District has the following structure in place to ensure off-site learning for students. The District has ensured that continuity plans for educational services can be accessed by all students, regardless of resources available at home. The strategies identified below are, of course, customized to meet the individual needs of each students. School District #28: • Certified and Classified Staff will be on-site (at school) or teleworking (off-site) providing instruction to students through the following systems: • On-line courses • Video chats/tutoring • Phone conference calls • Hard copy packets of materials • Textbook guides • Student and/or Guardian Email Daily Schedule: Each school is developing a daily schedule for virtual learning. Schools will share schedules directly with families. • In order to ensure that all students have access to on-line coursework, the District is researching ways to get those students who don’t have the necessary devices with chromebooks for check out. This will not happen the first week for sure and once we can proceed with a plan for who will need what, and how many devices we can make available, we will proceed. We are not sure at this point if we have enough devices or internet availability. Principals are collecting data to see how many devices are needed and how many homes have internet. Access Montana is currently offering ½ off monthly subscriptions for any families that would like to have internet access added to their home. We have submitted requests to grants to re-appropriate funds for additional devices needed to best serve students. The district is working on options for families who cannot access internet service. We will be in touch, via email, with families who indicated a need on our technology survey. • We will be running regular bus routes for work distribution and collection Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays leaving the school at 9 am and again at 1pm • If possible, depending on the Governor restrictions hope to have limited contact with students who may need additional support in meeting their educational and mental health needs. This will depend on restrictions and requirements that adhere to state orders. • Expectations: All students are expected to attend virtual learning sessions and complete assignments. Teachers will take attendance and track participation and assignment completion. Questions: HS/MS Principal Shawn Hendrickson 745-3811 x 301 406-493-7689 Elementary Principal Tyler Arlint 745-3811 x 303 406-396-9418 All other Questions can sent to Jason Sargent at 406-396-7839 406-745-3811 x 260 HS/MS Specific: In order to ensure that all students have access to hard copies, the District is • Contacting each parent to ascertain the best method for their needs • Making delivery of the materials through transportation services at key drop off points • Providing copies via email for parents to print from home • Providing a place of pick up at the school location • We will learn from the challenges and successes of moving forward with a digital platform • In the meantime, teachers are exploring digital delivery modes for their content areas in preparation • We will utilize the LEARN@HOME Link on the web page to deliver curriculum and educational resources for student achievement *Certified and Classified Staff will be on-site (at school) or teleworking (off-site) providing instruction to students through the following mechanism: • Google Classroom for instruction and assignments • Video chats or tutoring via Google Meet during office hours • Hard copy packets available • Phone call touch ins with students and parents during specific class periods • Use of Khan Academy and YouTube for supplemental material and tutoring • Checking attendance through daily check in via Google Classroom. • Follow-ups on students not checking in Elementary Specific: *Certified staff will be both on-site and teleworking from home providing instruction to students through the following mechanisms: • Hard copy packets of materials • Online Resources and Links to Educational Resources to support students from home • Materials provided through hyperlinks to digital lesson plans on website LEARN@HOME on Website • Direct communications via email & telephone conversations *In order to ensure that all students have access to hard copies, the District and Teachers are • Contacting each parent to ascertain the best method for their needs • Making delivery of the materials through transportation services at key drop off points • Providing copies via email for parents to print from home • Providing a place of pick up at the school location • Teachers are exploring digital delivery modes for their content areas in order to discover what approach works best 2. School meals, consistent with what the District regularly provides: The District has implemented the following strategies to ensure that our students are continuing to receive nutritional meals; the same as if the District was open for pupil instruction. School District #28 Meal Plan: • The District is serving grab-and-go breakfast and lunches weekly with only one pick-up per week per student. • The District will continue to provide sack lunches to families for pick-up. Stop by the front of the elementary school between 10:00 and 1:00 on Tuesdays or Thursdays to pick up your weekly lunch and breakfasts. We will be running the buses on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for school work pick up; if requested we will also deliver food on these days for your child for the week. Buses will run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday leaving the school at 9am and at 1pm. If you are MS/HS make your food request for bus delivery to 745-3811 x 300 and if you are Elem. 745-3811 x 302. We can only deliver to those families that ride the buses. For special extenuating circumstances please contact 745-3811 x 216 for food delivery if you do not ride a bus and we will arrange a special delivery weekly. We will continue to distribute food for the entire week and not daily for all school district students in grade K-12. • Any questions on Meal Distribution please call 745-3811 x 216 3. Services for students with disability: The District has implemented the following strategies to ensure that each student who is on an IEP or 504 Plan continue to receive the educational and related services to make progress towards their individual goals. The strategies identified below are customized and differentiated to meet the individual needs of each IDEA and 504 students. School District #28 Service for students with disability: • The District is providing a Free and Appropriate Education for students with disabilities • The District is conducting IDEA and 504 meetings via electronic means and/or meeting in person, but complying with CDC Guidelines, State Guidelines and/or local health guidelines; • The District is providing educational and related services, in collaboration with parents and staff, through all means available, including o Alternative learning sites and Student and/or Guardian Email o On-line learning o Video chats/tutoring o Phone conference calls o Hard copy packets of materials o Textbook guides • The district is providing educational and related services, in collaboration with parents/guardians and staff, through all means available, including: on-line learning, video chats and tutoring, phone calls, hard copies of materials, classroom notes, providing students with AAC devices when appropriate (for example, PECS and Proloquo devices), enlarged work for visually impaired students • We will provide teacher and para-professional contact daily to work with students remotely and/or if necessary in person when and where possible and allowed by the State/O.P.I. directives and direction concerning F.A.P.E., I.D.E.A. and I.E.P. requirements • Special Education, 504, EL to Guardians/Students: If your child receives special services through an IEP, 504 Plan, or English Learner Plan, case managers and/or counselors will contact families to provide support and establish services. 4. Other services customarily provided to students: The District has implemented the following strategies to ensure that our students receive service that we provide the same as if pupils were being educated on-site. School District #28: • The District is providing guidance counseling supports and services • The District is providing social and emotional supports and services • The District is further providing support services for our staff • School Counselors: School counselors are your first line of defense for challenges with attendance, virtual learning, and social/emotional well being. The best way to make contact with the counselor is through email. Counselor contact information: MS/HS: Shannon Redmond 406-745-3811 x262 Elem: Grant Legare 745-3811 x 206 • Tech Support: Each school offers on-staff tech support and if you run into device issues: Tech support contact information. Matt Lyon 745-3811 x 302 or 300 • Matt Lyon: • The school will continue to monitor and keep social distancing a priority. At this time the recommendation to stay 6 feet away and to have no more that 10 people in a group at one time. We will be able to have up to 10 people in a group at one time for essential work, safety, educational planning and delivery when needed to meet the needs of all students in our district. We will make available educational hubs for small groups that need support for devices, internet and educational delivery as needed. We will continue to disseminate information on our website: CHECKLIST During the planning and implementation of the District’s Plan of Action, we have implemented the following processes/mechanisms to ensure compliance with the Governor’s March 19, 2020 Directive, ongoing collaboration with all stakeholders and effective communications with our community, staff, parents and students: Check all that apply: __X__ On March 18 and again on March 26, 2020, the Board of Trustees made a Declaration of Unforeseen Emergency pursuant to 20-9-801 through 20-9-806, MCA __X__ At a properly noticed meeting, the Board of Trustees reviewed this Plan of Action, engaged in dialogue and deliberation regarding the same, and prior to approving this Plan, the public had an opportunity to provide input regarding the Plan. __X__ Our administrative staff have taken the lead in coordinating meetings with parents, certified and classified staff while maintaining the social-distancing, self-isolation and other guidance of the CDC, the State and local health officials. _X___ Our certified and classified staff participated in the development and implementation of this Plan. __X__ All parents/guardians of our students have been informed of our Plan for the continuity of educational and other services to their children. __X__ We have maintained regular contact with our community during this time of uncertainty to provide our community that we are providing for the needs of students and families and doing our part to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on our community, staff, parents and students. __X__ The District has adopted the Model Policy 3650 Pupil Online Personal Information Protection. __X__ The District has taken measures to ensure that all communications relating to the provision of programs and services for students and families are accessible to individuals with disabilities. This includes ensuring that all messages are available in both audio and visual formats. __X__ The District leadership has reviewed COVID-19 basic information provided by the CDC. __X__ The District has established a point of contact with local and state health authorities to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on their community. __X__ The District has provided students, staff, and parents with COVID-19 fact sheets from the CDC available at __X__ The District has conducted a training for staff and students on common preventative measures for COVID-19 prevention including: o Washing hands with soap for at least 20 seconds o Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth o Covering coughs and sneezes with tissues and throwing away tissues o Avoiding contact with others when sick __X__ The District has and will continue to comply with FERPA in reference to any student who may be identified as having COVID-19 __X__ The District has and will continue to comply with HIPAA Privacy laws in reference to any staff member who may be identified as having COVID-19. __X__ The District has taken safety measures to comply with CDC guidelines on social distancing (6-feet of distance between individuals), limiting large groups of individuals from being together, and provided disinfectant wipes, etc. to regularly sanitize surfaces within the school, including but not limited to: door handles/knobs, restrooms, surfaces and electronic devices shared by staff and others, etc. __X__ The District has adequately equipped maintenance and cleaning staff with personal protective equipment gloves and gowns that are appropriate for the cleaning products used and to minimize having contact with potentially contaminated surfaces. __X__ The District has a cleaning schedule that is updated daily. __X__ The District has educated all staff to recognize the symptoms of COVID-19 in case they become exposed to the virus themselves. __X__ The District has cancelled school sponsored events/travel of students and staff. __X__ The District has a process in place for regular review of and refinement of this Plan to ensure it continues to meet the needs of our students. __X__ The Board of Trustees will review and when necessary approve any updates to this Plan for submission to the Governor’s Office. Some Additional Specifics: Calendar: Here is an overview of the next two weeks. This schedule has been approved by the Board of Trustees. Monday, March 30 - Student/Parent Connection Day – Teachers will reach out to any families to arrange work pick-up and expectations. Principals will guide this expectation for teachers. Tuesday, March 31 – ‘Paper Packet Pick Up’ will begin with buses leaving school at 9am and 1pm (see posted schedule on the District Homepage and Facebook page) Meal Pick-Up: Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 1:00 outside the main front door of the elementary. Students will only need to pick up food once for each week. There will be time scheduled throughout Tuesday for packets to be picked up at school. Every student will need to request work be delivered by the bus or come in to school and pick-up work. If students do not pick up work or make arrangements for work to be delivered, students will not receive credit and will not pass closure expectations. Grades will continue as if students were in school. If you do not pick up work and return completed work you will not receive credit and will be given a zero for any missing work. Online options will also be available as well as project based work. Monitor facebook, website for additional expectations from your building principal and teachers. Teachers will be available at school or via phone and email during work days. Students are welcome to come into school for help as long as they remain 6 feet away from other people and do not meet with any group larger than 10. Monday, March 30 will be the first day of the 4th Quarter. March 30-April 10 – Work can be dropped off at the designated areas, the work will be distributed to teachers to grade and enter. Grades will start where students left off at 3rd quarter and Monday will be the beginning of the 4th Quarter. Students will be expected to complete work if they expect to pass the courses in order to receive credit. If students do not turn in work, they will not pass their classes. Effort is imperative during this shut down and students must make every effort to complete work if they expect to pass classes. Daily Schedule: Each school is developing a daily schedule for virtual learning and packets. Schools will share schedules directly with families. Learn@Home on the District webpage is the spot where you and your student will be able to go in and link up with teachers as well. Special Board Meeting Notice ____________________________________________________________________________ Special Meeting of the St. Ignatius District #28 Board of Trustees Thursday, March 26, 2020 4pm Website link to Open Meeting under Board Meeting Live Stream or in Person in the library I. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items II. Consideration and Action on the District’s COVID-19 Plan of Action for Submission to the Governor’s Office. Administrative Meeting 3-25-20: We will not have any employees in a group larger than 10 and only group meetings that are essential to run the system. Everyone will need to remain at least 6 feet away from one another at all times. All hourly employees must be at work during normal work hours in order to be paid during the closure. If hourly employees choose not to come into work, please notify your supervisor that you do not intend to work and you can be laid off until the end of the closure. We want to keep everyone working, but if you choose not to work, you will not be paid. If you are sick and choose to take sick leave please notify Rasena and the family medical leave act will be followed accordingly by law. Reminders and Expectations: I. There are 14 para’s and we will need to schedule full days for these employees: • We will need 7 riding buses at 9 am and 1 pm for Packet delivery and drop-off • We will need help organizing school drop off and pick-up • We will need assistance with any spare time to help maintenance • We will need support for small group instruction throughout the district for students that need help over the phone or in person • We will need help preparing and copying work for students to be sent home II. Administrative Assistants will continue with their regular work and adjust to accommodate and contribute to what needs to be done. III. Maintenance will go back to regular hours starting Monday to keep our numbers down during the day. After each day we will need to continue to clean and sanitize everything. IV. Kitchen will use staff for Grab and Go and Weekly lunch/breakfast pick up. The bus will be available for extenuating circumstance delivery of weekly meals. V. We will make available open space for students to come in for support and technology /internet needs which are optional and not required: • Rotate so there are never more than 10 people in one area and remain 6 feet apart at all times • Library-Will be open during the day with a maximum of 10 occupants at one time • Special Education Classrooms –Rotate so there are never more than 10 people and everyone remains 6 feet apart at all times • HS Commons , MS Commons • MS Classrooms, HS Classrooms, Elementary Classrooms • Art Room / Shop Rooms contact teachers for open opportunities • Again, these are all optional and not required of any teacher and/or student V. Any Employee that has a fever or that is not feeling well will need to be sent home. VI. Staff will be responsible to pick up, grade and enter grades for work that is assigned through packets that can be entered at school or at home. If teachers are working in the school make sure we are not gathered and are remaining 6 feet away. We should never have a group larger than 10 working in close proximity. VII. Each principal will be responsible for the planning and organization of staff to effectively serve students toward proficiency with measurable outcomes. VIII. We are going to keep all employees working and even though teachers may be working remotely or at school. All employees need to follow our plans and meet expectations and requirements that are set forth by the Governor's Plan, Superintendent’s Plan and System Leaders. It’s our time to take charge and get things done effectively, efficiently and most of all safely.
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent
Staff, Students, Guardians
What's Going ON at St. Ignatius Elementary? click this link below or copy and paste in a browser to find out!
over 4 years ago, Tyler Arlint
St. Ignatius Students: Even though we are currently not in school there is much to learn. Take care of your friends and family around you. Keep them safe and stay positive. Help those that are worried about work and the concerns of life that you will help and do your part to make it better. Watch over your brothers and sisters and be the voice that assures those around you that everything is going to be ok. You will learn a lot about people over the next few months and take time to compliment and contribute to those who are helpful and kind. You will learn that many who have the least will give the most when no one is watching. Look after the young, the elderly and those who need your help. You are the young and the future so this is a great test and a much bigger test than you will ever take in school. You now have an opportunity to test yourself about life and how you handle adversity. There is no better teacher than hardship and tough times. A person’s real character is exposed in times of struggle and how you handle yourself during this time will help shape who you are and how you will be remembered. This is a time in history that will not be forgotten in your lifetime. Be the one among your friends to make choices that are going to help people. Bulldogs take care of their own and overcoming adversity with resiliency is what we do best. We are proud of every one of you and we are going to be just fine; we will promise you that. Go Bulldogs!!! P.S. –Stay Active and get outside to play or work. It would also be a great time to ask yourself school related questions and research answers and solutions to real life problems. You can also study things that interest you in terms of future job skills. We can’t wait to have you all back soon. :) Actual school plans for what we will be doing for any additional time off after Spring Break will be rolled out when we know the status of where we are heading. We are completely prepared to offer whatever needs to be done in order to weather any delay to your school year and/or educational needs. All good, stay tuned- 
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent
Bulldog Students
Emergency Board Meeting Today at 4:30 - People can join via the web site under Board Live Steam Wednesday, March 18, 2020 Emergency Special Board Meeting 4:30pm HS Library or Online Link or Phone 1. New Business Subject 1.01 Declare Special Board Meeting Meeting Mar 18, 2020 - Emergency Special Board Meeting Category 1. New Business Access Public Type Information RE: Trustees: Superintendent Sargent is asking to call an emergency meeting of the Board to discuss declaration of unforeseen emergency closure pursuant to 20-9-801 through 20-9-806, MCA | am therefore calling a meeting at the time and place listed above. The meeting is called pursuant to MCA 20-3-322(3), which provides “Special meetings of the trustees maybe called by the presiding officer or any two members of the trustees by giving each member a 48-hour written notice of the meeting, except that the 48-hour notice is waived in an unforeseen emergency or to consider a violation of the student code of conduct, as defined in accordance with district policy, within a week of graduation, and Convening electronically is fine under 2-2-302. An unforeseen emergency is defined in the law as “a storm, fire, explosion, community disaster, insurrection, act of God, or other unforeseen destruction or impairment of school district property that affects the health and safety of the trustees, students, or district employees or the education functions of the district.” | have determined that the outbreak of Covid-19 is sufficiently akin to a community disaster that | am permitted to call this meeting Special Board Meeting: Agenda: New Business: Declare Unforeseen Emergency Subject 1.02 Declare Emergency Due to COVID-19 Under 20-9-801 through 20-9-806 Meeting Mar 18, 2020 - Emergency Special Board Meeting Category 1. New Business Access Public Type Action Recommended Action Action: Board Consideration of current circumstances related to COVID-19 for possible declaration of unforeseen emergency pursuant to 20-9-801 through 20-9-806, MCA 1. Action: Board consideration of current circumstances related to COVID-19 for possible declaration of unforeseen emergency pursuant to 20-9-801 through 20-9-806, MCA. Proficiency: The superintendent is authorized to work with district staff in making determinations regarding pupils who are proficient in courses in which the pupils are enrolled without regard to the aggregate hours of instruction provided. The superintendent is directed to make a final determination of proficiency for each pupil for each enrolled course, using district assessments, including class grades at a minimum, and reporting a full-time equivalent conversion of ANB for such pupils, based on the scheduled time ordinarily provided through the aggregate hours of instruction for such courses. And including-- Offsite Instruction: The superintendent is authorized to work with district staff in providing instruction for pupils of the district. Such instruction may include any method or methods identified as appropriate by the superintendent, including but not limited to offsite instruction as defined and referenced in sections 20-1-101(5); 20-1-101(14); 20-7-118; and 20-9-311(11), MCA. Subject 1.03 Authorizing Leadership to Deliver and Identify Proficiency Education Meeting Mar 18, 2020 - Emergency Special Board Meeting Category 1. New Business Access Public Type Action Recommended Action Action: Authorizing/directing your leadership team to work with teaching staff on identifying your students(All grade levels: Elementary, Middle, and High School) who are proficient (in the near future and definitely prior to the end of the school year.) Action: Authorizing/directing your leadership team to work with teaching staff on identifying your students(All grade levels: Elementary, Middle, and High School) who are proficient (in the near future and definitely prior to the end of the school year.) Proficiency: The superintendent is authorized to work with district staff in making determinations regarding pupils who are proficient in courses in which the pupils are enrolled without regard to the aggregate hours of instruction provided. The superintendent is directed to make a final determination of proficiency for each pupil for each enrolled course, using district assessments, including class grades at a minimum, and reporting a full-time equivalent conversion of ANB for such pupils, based on the scheduled time ordinarily provided through the aggregate hours of instruction for such courses. And including-- Offsite Instruction: The superintendent is authorized to work with district staff in providing instruction for pupils of the district. Such instruction may include any method or methods identified as appropriate by the superintendent, including but not limited to offsite instruction as defined and referenced in sections 20-1-101(5); 20-1-101(14); 20-7-118; and 20-9-311(11), MCA.
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent
Breakfast Crew :) Thank you to all the volunteers! We are open for meals from 7am-10am today!
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent
Thank you to all the staff, community and students for helping with the breakfast and lunch distribution. It was great to see a wonderful turnout and all the volunteers to make this happen. Thank you Thank you!! Go Bulldogs! We will be at it again Wednesday morning from 7am-10am. :)
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent
Lunch 1
Lunch 2
Lunch 3
Lunch / Breakfast pick up has been moved to front of Elementary main entrance: Today, Tuesday from 4-6pm Wednesday from 7-10am March 17, March 18 See you there ! Again, call me if you need anything. Jason Sargent 406-396-7839
over 4 years ago, Jason Sargent