Spook Parade - Thursday Oct 31 at 230pm on the Elementary stage. Parents/Guardians are welcome to come and watch the Spook Parade in the Elementary Multipurpuse room.

Senior Night commencement for football will be tonight at 6:15 pm.


Middle School Football Is 6-0 with a win over Charlo tonight 34-30. It was a great game and a real battle. Go Dogs !

The middle school volleyball jamboree in Charlo on Saturday October 5th has been cancelled.


K-5 After School Program Starts on September 30th. Sign up sheets have been sent home with students. You can also pick up a sign up sheet at the elementary office. The program runs from 3:20-5:00, Monday - Thursday.

Community Breakfast -1st Quarter
October 25, 2019 7:30-8:30 a.m.
Biscuits and Gravy

There will only be a 7th and 8th grade volleyball game in Polson today. There will be no 6th grade game.

Next weeks high school football game against Seeley has been moved from Friday September 27th to Saturday September 28th at 1:00 pm in Seeley.

Thank you Valley Bank for the Burgers and Hot Dogs and Wonderful Meal!! Free Homecoming Meal for all the wonderful Bulldog and Viking Fans. Thank you Valley Bank!! Thanks for all the support! 👍

Homecoming Events on Sept 20, 2019
12:50-1:10 Pep Assembly K-12
1:15 Dismiss elementary for parade
(Parade Order: Color Guard, Police, Homecoming Candidates, XC, Volleyball, Football, 9-12, 6-8, MS Football, MS Volleyball, K-5. Last Fire Truck/Police)
1:30 Parade
2:00 Return from Parade
2:15 Dismiss from School

Staff, Parents and Students: The Diabetes Consortium has developed some great information and education tools for improving diabetes awareness and useful information. Diabetes and student support is a state priority and this link has a lot of great information. If you have diabetes, are a parent of a student with diabetes or a teacher of a student with diabetes this is a great link for you. https://dphhs.mt.gov/schoolhealth/chronichealth/diabetes

Parents: A student reported seeing a mountain lion near the Mission Creek bridge today down near the softball field. This time of year stay out of woods near the creek. Be lion and bear aware. Thank you 👍

Reminder to Seniors and their parents. Tuesday, September 17 at 6pm we will have our Senior Parent Night. We expect all seniors and their parents to attend. This will take place in the high school commons.

The St. Ignatius Soccer program is in need of volunteer coaches. At this time there are no coaches for grades 2-8. If there are no coaches they can not schedule games or practice. Contact Christa Umphrey today if you are willing to coach 2-8 soccer.

Middle School Football
Mission Bulldogs 38
Plains Horseman 8
Mission Bulldogs 36
T. Falls Blue Hawks 6
Season Record 2-0
Charlo on Tuesday 👍🏈

Elementary Homecoming Days!
Tuesday- INside out Day
Wednesday- PJ Day
Thursday - Favorite Sports Day
Friday - Blue/White Day

Flag Football practice Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 4-5 at the HS Field. Schedules will he handed out. First Games Next Saturday in Ronan.

Parents: Free eye exam and glasses- SKC next week.