8th grade Promotion will be on Wednesday, May 29th at 4pm. 8th graders and their parents need to be in the middle school commons, no later than 2:45, as we will be doing our Promotion Commotion (high school intro) at that time.

Elementary Play Day is scheduled for Tuesday May 28. If it rains the back up day will be on Thursday May 30. Play Day is held on the High School footbal field. Please dress your students appropriately, no flip flops, a light jacket and put sunscreen on them. TKO thru 2nd grade will be at Play Day from 8:50am to 10:35. 3rd grade thru 5th grade will attend from 12:45pm to 2:45PM.

The last day of school is Friday, May 31st and students will be excused at 12:30. The buses will be picking students up at 12:30. Elementary, middle and high school will all be excused at 12:30.

On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 9:57 AM Estvold, Leigh wrote:
Good morning!
I’m sure everyone is aware of the pertussis outbreaks going on in our county, as well as Missoula and Flathead. We now have 18 cases in the county and one additional that is on the reservation but lives in Missoula county. Here’s the current breakdown:
<1 year = 4 (3 week, 1 mos., 3 mos., 7 mos.)
1-4 year = 5
5-10 year = 5 + 1 CSKT, Missoula Co.
>10 year = 4
Areas: all from St. Ignatius and Arlee (so far!)
Schools affected:
St. Ignatius high school – 2 students
St. Ignatius Elementary – 1 student
Arlee elementary – 1 student who lives in Missoula county
Mission Head Start – 1 student
Tribal: 2 – 1 Lake county resident, 1 Missoula county
Vaccination status:
Unvaccinated = 13
Under vaccinated = 4
Fully vaccinated = 2
*It is now a community-wide outbreak so we are recommending post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for all household members, close contacts who are high risk (pregnant, infants, immunocompromised) and close contacts who have close contact with high risk individuals.
*Students who are symptomatic are to be excluded from school until they either have documentation from a HCP that they were evaluated and determined to NOT have pertussis OR after completing 5 days of antibiotics OR for 21 days after the onset of symptoms.
Thanks to all the work at Polson and St. Ignatius schools in getting letters out to parents. If any additional schools are affected you will be notified so we can identify close contacts. If any other schools would like to send out letters to parents proactively, let me know. Otherwise, be on the lookout for symptomatic students & staff and let me know if you send anyone for evaluation!
Leigh Estvold, RN
Public Health Nurse
Lake County Public Health Dept.
802 Main Street, Polson, MT 59860
F) 406-883-7290

Letter from Lake County Public Health in Response to Whooping Cough Concerns.
Lake County Public Health
802 Main Street, Suite A
Polson, MT 59860
May 16, 2019
Dear parents/guardians,
As you may well know, Lake County is currently experiencing an outbreak of Pertussis, or Whooping
Cough. In addition, our neighbors in Missoula and Flathead counties are having significant outbreaks as well. At this point only 1 St. Ignatius High School student has tested positive. While this student did not attend school once the cough started, we are sending notices home with all students to educate families on the illness. If children who have been attending school with a cough illness test positive for Pertussis, we will take steps to notify parents of students who were exposed to the illness. In the event of a disease outbreak, children that are not up-to-date with required immunizations may be excluded from school by the local health officer or the Department of Public Health and Human Services until the student is no longer at risk for contracting or transmitting that disease.
Pertussis is an infection that affects the airways, and it can easily spread from person to person by coughing or sneezing. Pertussis can cause a severe cough that lasts for weeks or months, sometimes leading to coughing fits and/or vomiting. Anyone can get pertussis, but it can be very dangerous for babies and people with weakened immune systems. Family members with pertussis, especially siblings and parents, can spread pertussis to babies.
1.If your child has a cough:
Keep your child home from school and activities, such as sports or play groups. Make an
appointment with your child’s doctor as soon as possible and tell the doctor that your child may
have been exposed to pertussis.
2.If your child has been diagnosed with pertussis by his or her doctor:
Tell the school that a doctor diagnosed your child with pertussis.
Keep your child home from school and activities, such as sports or play groups, until your child
has been on antibiotics for five days to treat pertussis.
Ask your child’s doctor for a note that states your child has pertussis.
3.If your child’s doctor says your child does NOT have pertussis:
Ask for a note from the doctor telling the school that your child’s cough is NOT pertussis and that your child can return to school and other activities at any time.
Please feel free to call the Lake County Health Department at 406-883-7288 with questions or concerns and ask for the communicable disease nurse.
Leigh Estvold, RN
Lake County Public Health Nurse

Nicole Goettel -Diamond Construction
Hi Jason,
Do you have any local painters for the Elementary School work? Miscellaneous exterior painting for the new siding.
Are there any local Paint Contractors in the Mission Area? Please email jsargent@stignatiusschools.org

Olympics - Great Falls Going Well!!

Diamond Construction Inc. St. Ignatius School Intercap Loan Projects
Bid Packages #1-5 and Supplemental Pricing
Page 1 of 1 00 1113 INVITATION TO BID
St. Ignatius School District No. 28 Intercap Loan 2019 Project
Notice is hereby given that Diamond Construction Inc. on behalf of St. Ignatius School District #28 will
receive sealed bids from qualified person, company or corporation interested in providing construction
services for the St. Ignatius School Intercap Loan Project as specified in the Contract Documents. Bid
Packages #1-5, plus Supplemental Pricing are bidding at this time. Bids will be received by Slate
Architecture, 107 W. Lawrence Street, Helena, MT 59601, (406) 457-0360, until 2:00 PM on May 29th, 2019.
The scope of work includes 1) The exterior siding, windows, and doors on the Elementary School; 2) The
ceiling repair of the High School Gymnasium. All work impacting the school operations must be complete
by the start of school 2019. Montana 1% Gross Receipts Tax, State of Montana Prevailing Wage Rates
and Montana Department of Labor and Industry Contractor Registration requirements apply to this
Contract Documents. The Contract Documents consisting of Drawings and Project Specifications may be viewed or obtained via electronic documents on-line, electronic pdf, or hard copy at the office of Diamond
Construction Inc., 2905 N. Montana, Ste. 200, Helena, MT 59601, 406-495-7178. A plan deposit of
$250.00 is required for the physical documents and must be requested by email to
ngoettel@diamondconstruction.com. Electronic versions of the Drawings and Project Manual have been
uploaded to Montana Bid.com which includes the following plan exchanges: Billings Builders Exchange,
Bozeman Builders Exchange, Butte Builders Exchange, Great Falls Builders Exchange, Helena Plans
Exchange, Northwest Plans Exchange (Kalispell) and the Missoula Plans Exchange.
There will be a pre-bid walk through for these Bid Packages at 3:30 PM on May 22nd, 2019, at St.
Ignatius Elementary School. Please meet at the front of the Elementary School. It is strongly
recommended that all interested persons, companies or corporations attend this walk through.
Diamond Construction Inc., as the Construction Manager, and St. Ignatius School District #28, as the
owner, reserve the right to accept or reject any Proposal in the interest of the Owner. Bids shall be
submitted on the forms provided, signed by an officer of the company and dated. No bid may be
withdrawn until the expiration of 30 days from the bid date.
First Publication: May 12, 2019
Second Publication: May 19, 2019
Third Publication: May 26, 2019

Reminder that tonight is the Middle and High School Spring Concert. The theme is the 80s, which means there will be several musical hits from that era featured during the show, along with several staff member cameos. Start time is 6pm. Fell free to invite and bring friends and family.

Ms. Redmond has handed out high school registration forms for next year. They are due back by May 15. Questions? Concerns? Reach her by calling the HS/MS office, her extension at 262, or by email sredmond@stignatiusschools.org

MAC Senior Night :)

Diamond Construction Inc. St. Ignatius High School Additions
Request for Proposal – Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing
Page 1 of 1 00 1113 INVITATION TO BID
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing – St. Ignatius High School Additions
St. Ignatius, MT
Notice is hereby given that Diamond Construction Inc. on behalf of St. Ignatius School District #28 will
receive sealed Proposals from qualified Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Contractors for the St.
Ignatius High School Additions in St. Ignatius, Montana as specified in the Request for Proposal.
Sealed Proposals will be received by Diamond Construction Inc. until 5:00 pm local time, Wednesday,
May 22nd, 2019. Responses to this RFP may be mailed, hand delivered or emailed to Diamond
Construction Inc., Attn: Nicki Goettel, 2905 N. Montana, Ste. 200, Helena, MT 59601 or email to Nicki
Goettel at ngoettel@diamondconstruction.com.
RFP Documents. Interested firms can find this RFP on the Helena Plans Exchange and the Missoula
Plans Exchange. Firms can also contact Nicki Goettel with Diamond Construction Inc. to request RFP
documents at 2905 N. Montana, Ste. 200, Helena, MT 59601, 406-495-7178 or email
Montana 1% Gross Receipts Tax, State of Montana Prevailing Wage Rates and Montana Department of
Labor and Industry Contractor Registration requirements apply to this project.
First Publication: May 5, 2019
Second Publication: May 12, 2019
Third Publication: May 19 , 2019

St. Ignatius School District #28 is requesting a quote for the removal and disposal of all HS/MS lockers. This will need to be completed in the first three weeks of June. We will accept bids up to 5/23/19 at noon.

Parents/Guardians- The elementary lost and found is overflowing. Please stop by and see if any of your students belongings are in the lost and found. We will be taking all of the lost and found to the Folk Shoppe on Monday May 20.. Thanks

High school and middle school tennis at Ronan has been postponed until Monday due to inclement weather conditions.

MAC Softball will play Friday, April 26th at home against Deer Lodge. Varsity will start at 3:00 with a JV game at 5:00.

NO AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM on THURSDAY, April 25th, because of Showcase.

MS Tennis is now at 10:00 in Darby tomorrow morning.

NO SCHOOL Monday April 22 _ enjoy your three day weekend.

At this time all School District #28 bus routes will resume as scheduled this afternoon. Thank you